Offering Service/Help used to offer service/help to others. (Offering Service/Help digunakan untuk menawarkan jasa atau bantuan kepada orang lain.)
Offering Service/Help
What can I do for you?
Can I help you?
Can I do something for you?
Do you want something to eat?
Shall I get you something to read?
Accepting Service/Help (Menerima jasa/Bantuan)
Thank you.
That’s very kind of you.
Thanks (very much).
Refusing Service/Help (Menolak Jasa/Bantuan)
No, thank you.
That’s very kind of you, but …
Thank you for offering, but …
No, it’s all right, really.
No, really, I can manage (thanks).
Mr. George is cleaning his garden. He uses many gardening tools such as sickle, hoe, spade, and big scissors. Billy is offering a help.
Billy : “what are you doing, Dad”
Mr. George : “I am going to plant some vegetables”
Billy : “can I help you?” (offering)
Mr. George : “yes, please clean the soil from the grass after I hoe” (accepting)
Billy : “Certainly, Dad”
Expression of Offering to bring something – At the Party
Sarah : Hey, everyone! Thank you for coming to my party
Yani : It’s a very kind of you for having us here, Sarah. Happy birthday, by the way
Fanti : We are really glad to come here. Happy birthday, Sarah
Rendra : Yeah, your party is really nice. Happy birthday, Sarah
Sarah : Thank you, everyone. I’m very happy to have you here too. By the way, have you enjoyed the food? Would you like some tart cake? I have tart cake from my parents.
Rendra : Oh, really? Is that okay? I would love to have some
Yani : Oh, thank you, Sarah. Please, don’t bother
Fanti : Thank you, Sarah. It’s okay. Thank you for the offer
Rendra : Well… if nobody likes it, maybe you can get some for me, Sarah
Yani : Oh, don’t be so ravenous, Rendra! You have just eaten many sweets.
Rendra : Oh… but….
Sarah : Hahaha. Its okay… it’s okay, guys. I really don’t mind. Okay, wait a minute, I’ll get the cake.
Fanti : Oh forgive Rendra, Sarah. We’re sorry for troubling you.
Rendra : Yes, thank you, Sarah. Just a tiny slice will be okay.
Sarah : Hahaha. It’s alright, guys. Okay, enjoy the party while I’m going for the cake. (Sarah going to bring the cake)
Rendra : Hey, I drank a very fresh smoothie right there. Do you want some smoothies?
Yani : Really? Yes, I want some!
Fanti : Oh no thank you. I get cough. I think I’m not going to drink cold drinks for a while.
Rendra : Well, there is a hot chocolate drink. Shall I help yourself to some hot chocolate?
Fanti : Oh really? Thank you, Rendra. That’s a very kind of you.
Rendra : No problem. Okay, I will get the drinks. You two wait here for Sarah.
Fanti : Alright. Thank you, Rendra.
Vocabularies Expression of Offering Help – Menawarkan Bantuan
- = noun / kata benda
- = verb / kata kerja
adj. = adjective / kata sifat
It’s a very kind of you = Anda baik sekali (Pujian)
Thank you for having us here = terima kasih untuk menerima/mengundang kami datang ke sini
Tart cake = kue tart n.
Offer = tawaran n.
Ravenous = rakus adj.
Sweets = kue/makanan manis n.
I don’t mind = Saya tidak keberatan
Wait a minute = tunggu sebentar
Trouble = menyulitkan, merepotkan v.
Slice = potongan n.
Smoothie = minuman dingin n.
I get cough = saya sedang batuk
For a while = untuk sementara waktu
Basic Sentences Expression of Offering Help – Menawarkan Bantuan
Menawarkan sesuatu dengan sopan (formal)
-Would you like some cake? Would you like a glass of milk?
Menawarkan sesuatu biasanya dengan orang sudah dikenal, tidak terlalu sopan
-Do you want a cup of tea?
Menawarkan sesuatu (informal)
– Have some coffee? Have some cake? Some sandwinch?
Menawarkan sesuatu (formal), biasa dilakukan orang Inggris
– Fancy a drink? Sama dengan Do you want a drink?
Menawarkan sesuatu kepada seseorang yang belum tahu apa maunya
– Can I get you something? Can I get you anything?
Jika Anda ingin orang lain mendapatkan apa yang dia butuhkan, dapat menggunakan
– That’s milk. Help yourself
– Help yourself to some milk
– Shall I help yourself to some milk? (Sambil menawarkan)
Anda sudah yakin apa yang orang lain mau (informal)
– Let me get you some milk
Jika belum terlalu yakin (informal)
– Do you want me to bring you a glass of milk?
– Should I get you some snack?
– I will get you a cup of coffee if you want
– Can I get you some drink?
Menjawab/merespon tawaran dari orang lain
– Yes, please
– Thank you
– Thanks
– Thank you, that would be great
– Thank you, that’s a very kind of you (sopan)
Menolak tawaran orang lain
– No, thank you
– No, it’s okay, thank you
– No, I’m fine, thank you
– Please, don’t bother (dengan sopan)
Contoh Kalimat Asking for Help
Asking for Help adalah meminta bantuan kepada seseorang. Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimatnya dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya.
- Can you help me? (Bisakah kamu menolongku)
- Could you please give me a hand? (Bisakah kamu menolong saya?)
- Would you like to help me? (Maukah kamu menolongku?)
- Would you mind to come to my house? (Bisakah kamu datang ke rumahku?)
- Could you pass the salt over there, please? (Bisakah kamu mengoper garamnya tolong?)
- Could you take the garbage outside? (Bisakah kamu membawa sampahnya keluar?)
- Could you bring me the newspaper? (Bisakah kamu membawakanku koran?)
- Could you please open the door? (Bisakah kamu membukakan pintunya?)
- Could you lend me some money? (Bisakah kamu meminjamkan aku uang?)
- Can you please come here for a second? (Bisakah kamu datang kesini sebentar saja?)
Responses for Accepting for Help (Tanggapan menerima untuk membantu)
- Okay (Baiklah)
- Yes, I can. (Ya, aku bisa)
- Okay, No problem. (Tentu, tidak masalah)
- Sure (Tentu saja)
- Certainly (Tentu saja)
- No Problem (Tidak masalah)
Responses for Declining for Help (Tanggapan menolak untuk membantu)
- I’m sorry, I can’t. (Maafkan aku, aku tidak bisa)
- Sorry, I can’t do it. (Maaf, aku tidak bisa melakukannya)
- Sorry, I’m busy. (Maaf, aku sibuk)
- You better manage it on your own. (Kau urus saja sendiri)
- I’m afraid I can’t do it (Aku takut aku tidak bisa melakukannya)
Contoh Kalimat Offering for Help
- May I help you? (bolehkah aku membantumu?)
- Would you like to help me? (bisakah kau membantuku?)
- Could you pass the salt over there, please? (bisakah anda mengoper garam di sebelah sana tolong?)
- Would you like to come to my house? (bisakah kamu datang ke rumahku?)
- Would you mind if I sit here? (apa tidak apa apa jika aku duduk disini?)
- Open the window, please. (buka jendelanya, tolong)
- Could you please move to another chair? (bisakah kamu pindah ke kursi lain tolong?)
- Would you like a cup of coffee?(maukah kamu secangkir kopi?)
- Could you please tell me where is the library? (bisakah kamu menunjukkan dimana perpustakaan?)
- Would you like to take the garbage outside please? (maukah kamu membawa sampah keluar tolong?)
- May I give you a hand? (Bisakah aku membantumu?)
- Shall I bring you a pillow? (haruskah aku membawakanmu bantal?)
- Can I do the dishes for you? (bisakah aku mencuci piring untukmu?)
- Shall I help you with your project? (haruskah aku menolongmu dengan tugasmu?)
- Would you care for another cup of tea? (maukah kamu secangkir teh lagi?)
Accepting Offers (Menerima Bantuan)
- Thank you. (terimakasih)
- Yes, please. (ya tolong)
- I’d like it very much. (aku akan sangat menyukainya)
- I’m pleased to do that. (aku senang melakukannya)
- With Pleasure thank you. (dengan senang hati, terimakasih)
- Yes please. I really appreciate it. (ya tolong, aku sangat menghargainya)
- Thank you, it’s very kind of you (terimakasih, kamu baik sekali)
- Yes, please, that would be lovely(ya tolong, itu akan sangat menyenangkan)
Declining Offers (Menolak Bantuan)
- No thanks. (tidak terimakasih)
- I can’t, thanks anyway (aku tidak bisa, terimakasih)
- No, I really won’t, thank you (tidak, aku tidak mau, terimakasih)
- It’s okay, I can do it myself. (terimakasih, aku bisa melakukannya sendiri)
- No thank you. (tidak terimakasih)
- No thanks, I don’t need any help (tidak terimakasih, aku tidak membutuhkan bantuan)
- Don’t worry, I will do it myself. (jangan khawatir, aku akan melakukannya sendiri)
- That’s alright, I will manage it on my own. (tidak apa apa, aku akan melakukannya sendiri)
Read carefully and answer the questions
Ara : Good afternoon Mrs.Tina.
Mrs. Tina : Good afternoon Ara. What are you doing?
Ara : I’m looking for a book. Could you do a favor for me
Mrs. Tina : What is it?
Ara : I need a book about science. Would you mind showing me it?
Mrs. Tina : No, of course not. Can you look for it on the shelf over there?
Ara : Umm… I have searched it but I haven’t found it. Would you please look for it together?
Mrs. Tina : I have two books of science. Both of them are “My body science” and “A Philosopher looks al science”. Do you like both of them?
Ara : Really? Can you lend me the second one, please?
Mrs. Tina : I’ll lend you if you give it back soon.
Ara : Certainly. I’ll return it immediately. Thank you.
Mrs. Tina : You’re welcome.
Where does the conversation take place?
- What is Ara looking for?
- How many books does Mrs. Tina have?
- Which book does Ara borrow?
- “I have searched it…..” What does the underlined word mean?
- “Would you mind showing me it?” What does the underlined word refer to?
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