Inviting, Accepting & Declining Invitation


  • Would you like to ….
  • Could you come to…
  • I’d very much like
  • Would you care to ….
  • I’ll really happy if you come to….
  • I’m sure that you won’t be disappointed to come to….

Accepting an Invitation

  • Thank you for inviting me.
  • I would/will ….
  • That would be very nice.
  • I’d like to love to come.
  • That’s fine.
  • Sure. Why not?

Declining an Invitation

  • I’m very sorry, I don’t think I can.
  • I’d like to, but ….
  • Thank you for asking me, but ….
  • Unfortunately, I can’t ….

 Dialog Examples:

 Dialog 1

Ludi Invites Maya to go to a Movie

Ludi  :  Hi, Maya. There will be a great film tonight. It’s about vampire.

Would you like to go to the movie with me?

Maya  : Yes, I’d like tonvery much. When will you pick me up?

Ludi   :  I’ll pick you at 7.00. Be ready, OK!

Maya   : Alright.

Offering, accepting, and refusing

Offering help :

Useful phrases

· Can I help you?

· May I help you?

· If you like, I/we could…….

· Could I help you?

· Do you need my help?

· Could I be of any help?

· Should I help you?

· May I be of any assistance?

· Would you like me/us to help you?

· Will you be happy to receive my help?

· Would you like me helping you?

· What can I do for you?

· Is there anything that I can do for you?

· I’ll do it for you.

· It’s my pleasure to help you.

Example Dialogue :

Villager: May I help you?

Traveler: Yes sir. I am new to this place.

Villager: What can I do for you?

Traveler: I would like to meet the president. May I know his residence?

Villager: Walk straight an turn right. You will see a big bungalow and that is the place.

Traveler: Very kind of you.

Offering help-Accepting it-Declining it


· I’d be delighted (if)…..

· You are most kind.

· I am happy about….

· That’s very kind of you.

· It’s very nice of you.

· If it’s no trouble for you.

· I surprised to…

· If you don’t mind.

· Thank you.


· No, please don’t bother.

· Sorry, thanks for your help.

· No, I can manage. Thank you.

· No, thank you.

· Thanks a lot, but….

· No thanks.

· Sorry, thank you.

· No, don’t worry (about….)

· I’m very grateful to you for your offer….But….

Example Dialogue :

Pedestrian: Shall I carry the bag for you?

Blind Man: It’s very nice of you. Thank you.

Pedestrian: It’s my pleasure. Can I hold your hand to help you cross the road?

Blind Man: Of course. Thank you.

Pedestrian: Should I help you to climb the bus?

Blind Man: No thanks, I can manage.


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