Pada kehidupan sehari - hari kita pasti pernah memberikan selamat atas keberhasilan seseorang atau pencapaian yang baru saja dia alami. Nah, sekarang kita akan belajar bagaimana tentang memberi selamat kepada seseorang atau bahasa inggrisnya adalah congratulating others Expression of Congratulations Congratulations! I'm very happy of you! That's wonderful! Good for you! Best of luck! Well done! Fantastic job! You must be very happy with your achievement. I'd like to congratulate you on your accomplishment! Please accept my warmest congratulation I must congratulate you on your success! Happy Birthday Happy New Year Happy Eid Mubarak Happy Anniversary Let me congratulate you I would be the first to congratulate you on... I would like to congratulate you on Please accept mywarmest congratulations. May I congratulate you. It was great to hear about... Well done! Responds to Expresion of Congratulations It's very good of you to say so Thank you, I can't forget your he...